1) Congrats on being accepted into the boost program
2) I've thought about asking to write for your pub but I don't know if my form and style of delving into philosophy fit your pub. As you know, I don't really research but I do incorporate, cite, and build or build bridges between myself and the works of and thoughts of others that I come across and discuss my own philosophy of life as I did here in one that I do not think you have read https://thetaoist.online/hermann-hesse-alan-arkin-and-marcus-meet-in-a-bar-to-discuss-philosophy-with-marcus-7582ce0bad14. If you think I'm a fit, please add me and I will by no means be insulted if you think me and peer-review journal even outside the ivory tower are not a fit.
3) Back to congrats on the boost program, my understanding from a comment thread discussion with Ariel Meadow Stallings (I would think you know her but if you are not familar, she's Medium's Director of Publisher Growth) is that you and not your pub are the nominator and now that you are accepted you are free to nominate any story that you come across that you deem boost worthy. Here's a link to our thread. https://medium.com/p/616a403f127