PinnedMarcus aka Gregory MaidmaninCurated NewslettersLet’s Talk about Atheists and Firm Believers in the God of AbrahamAlthough their beliefs stand in stark opposition, each exhibits behaviors akin to the other, including shortfalls in critical thinkingFeb 587Feb 587
PinnedMarcus aka Gregory MaidmaninILLUMINATIONDizain of SuicideAlong with my essay on matters of life and death, including suicide, from the perspectives gained on my nearly 10-year-and-counting and…Sep 17, 2023106Sep 17, 2023106
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninPaper PoetryDetachment Is Not Aloof — It’s LoveA free verse poem with patterns about seeing and breaking unhealthy patterns1d ago111d ago11
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninWrite Under the MoonMetaphysical TimeTanka poem inspired by “there’s no past, present, or future in Torah”4d ago264d ago26
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninCatharsis Chronicles“When We Allow True Love to Find Us, We Need Nothing More”I replied to that line in Rip Parker’s post today, “It’s always there. It’s not a matter of finding. It’s simply letting it in.”Oct 1536Oct 1536
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninWrite Under the MoonBetrayal by One Loved OneTanka-dodoitsu poem about how it may but shouldn’t affect everyone we encounterOct 1126Oct 1126
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninCatharsis ChroniclesAdd Music to Poem StanzasAnd you might have a hit song like American PieOct 925Oct 925
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninWrite Under the MoonOf Passion and SoulsAn ekphrastic tanka poem inspired by Nancy Santos’s latest poemOct 910Oct 910
Marcus aka Gregory MaidmaninThe Karma VampYour Pursuit of Happiness Comes at Another’s ExpenseA poem of the facts of lifeOct 429Oct 429