Member-only story
A Walk on a Warm February Day
A haiku sonnet — my improvement on that form ;-)
A warm winter day
Out for February walk
Meditative play
Greg Marcus mind talk
Keeps us going way past mile
Hear woodpecker squawk
Pause locate and smile
Gaiadynamic wonder
Signals time to file
Spring’s not so yonder
Close to another rebirth
Please cease your wander
Survived winter of dismay
Now Greg sees the Light of day
Holy shit, I love what I just created. Let me take you through both my process and my meaning (hey Ravyne Hawke, I know you love my shit — my creative process — sorry I dropped out of circulation for so long…)
Process and Decoder Ring
I had not posted a new poem since May 2022. From time to time as I read my poems, almost always when someone’s story and or my comment thereon triggers a memory thereof (and yes I then quote and or drop a link), I experience proper pride and pleasure from my creations. I have started to miss writing poetry. I default to essays, usually personal…