and Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
I am reminded of my natal horoscope chart, which has a shit ton of what astrolgers call oppositions or oppositionals. If you know about that stuff, I really don't, and want to see my chart, it's the image in this story. The ends of those opposing red lines, the poles, don't have to define me. I can work on balancing out those forces and at any given moment, find myself at points on the spectrums.
Everything is dual. Yes. People get hung up on duality as the opposite of oneness and will fight over which is true as their religions and philosophies take very specific positions. The truth is duality and non-duality (oneness) are simultaneously true depending on the vantage point. My sonnet from May:
All paradoxes may be reconciled.
I have taken a different approach. All paradoxes and contradictions can simply be accepted. My poem,, subtitled "Poem explores some and suggests embracing uncertainty over answers and solutions," includes these stanzas:
Oh, humanity
Powerful contradictions
How to reconcile?
Inapparent causation
Paradoxes lack answers
Try viewing life as an amusement park
Rides for both thrill seekers and faint-of-heart
Do you see light or only dark
or realize that one cannot exist without another
Contrast and perception
Purpose and place
Must these be known or just that they exist?
Must a journey have a destination
or would you prefer an endless series of waystations?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
as butterfly effects ripple in all directions