and this is a great explanation supporting why I rail against any human being ever asserting that he or she has achieved enlightenment. We can become more enlightened but enlightenment is only achieved by the souls that reach the levels of "the realms with the great archetypes, messengers, guides, and archangels. You then would have an awesome burden and responsibility to heal those souls that remain on earth." That's from a channeled discussion with my spirit guides that I quote in several of my essays of personal experience, the most complete one is this ,, and it describes how I came to know what I can never prove, but as I know it I will not give in to people who say that I can't know something I can't prove and without proof it's just a belief. No. I know what I know through my life experiences Plus, some have labeled a new "claire" for a type of knowledge without proof. I used to consider it a subset of claircognizance but recently Liberty Forrest told me it's considered claireintellect. It's knowledge outside of experience. It's essentially a type of knowledge through intuition or having strong contact with souls on the other side but without hearing them as you and Mediums do.