As I have written: "Do not feel shame — shame is self-loathing and unproductive. Do not even feel regret, as I define it, because it seems you have manifested growth from your realization of mistake. I have made many mistakes in my life but I do not regret a single one of them because I cannot change the past and everything that has happened in my life, whether as the result of my intents and purposes or those of another, have lead to my soul-expanding and ego-merging growth into the person that I am now, and regret would be the anathema to the point of the 109 words on page 617 of the big book of AA, as described by me in this deep-dive, and this is why I both vociferously disagree and agree with
Kimberly Fosu’s Things That Happened in The Past, Regret like any other emotion serves a purpose."