As I watch the reports and read the articles on the protests in Iran and what sparked them, I cannot wrap my head around the extent to which the mullahs marginalize women to keep power. It's sickening, and it happens here too with abortion, etc.
The AAs say, "Many people are still living in the third dimension mindset, centered on fear, survival and seclusion. Now that the Earth resides in the fifth dimension, this is changing, but it will take time." I remember a similar statement by them in one of your recent pieces when they (and I don't remember if your question was directly related or if the statement by them was somewhat tangential (as they often are)) raised that because of the shift people will begin to look askance and leaders who deflect and blame rather than take responsibility and solve. I have touched on before that I do not see any benefit in all this discussion of the shift. I highlighted above that they say it will take time. I think it's important for readers who I believe may look at the shift as the coming of a utopia to recognize that A) the shift alone will not bring about change, only people can bring about change and B) amorphous statements like "it will take time" likely mean that the amount of time will be beyond any living human and likely beyond at least a few, I'm tempted to say many, or many many, generations. I recognize that this comment has nothing to do with the subject of your question but it is germane to the AAs' constant responses.
So, what I am getting at, is I would like to know why the AAs feel it is beneficial to talk about the dimensional shift at all.