Congratulations on your Substack. I've resisted the push to go there this far, and, I'm never going. Their model is great for writers/content creators. That's not how I see myself. I see myself as a thinker and feeler who shares by writing. I can't wrap my brain around the concept of competing for individual paid subscribers. Plus, I don't have the bandwidth to be on multiple platforms. That's me. No dispersion cast on anyone else. At one point the people pushing Substack almost had me on board as posting only free content as an adjunct to my Medium paywall, but then they said the great and Almighty Substack Distribution Algorithm that they tout is actually only better to people who go paid. Too much double speak for me.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn one day that what's happened on Medium is an attack paid for by Substack or coordinated by Substack sympathizers to destroy Medium.
Meanwhile, Scott is such a lamb heading to the slaughter. Greg is annoyed that he has the last name of one of Marcus's three not human incarnations in our 17,046. Show some courage man and reply like a human with a soul as opposed to a capitalist politician.