Exactly. At many points throughout this great essay I could have chimed in and said, yes, the point is to be authentic. Authentically express oneself regardless of whether or not that expression aligns with one crowd or another or none. That's the point I make in my poem and notes, https://marcus17043.medium.com/nonconformists-are-not-rebels-fdacdb633a58, which you already read and clapped for and which your readers may enjoy. Any label can be quibbled with. To me, a rebel, especially one without a cause, is just the flippant person you discuss here. As I wrote in those notes and in several of my essays,
"Perhaps it’s not so much refuses to conform as opposed to it’s in one’s nature to find their own path and at the same time be open to adjusting oneself if one realizes their preconceived notion of themself is holding them back. Refusing to conform is just stubborn and yes could be rebellious and could be antisocial….INTP’s are typically non-traditional, and more likely to reason out their own individual way of doing things than to follow the crowd; non-conformity is our natural state of being — it is not something we practice to shock others or make a statement."