Excellent and respectful presentation of both of the poles in this debate. You may find my essay that I wrote around the time that the case was being argued to be a good and balanced read as well, https://medium.com/p/4d234daa2e71 though I go a bit further to state my belief that intellectually the outcomes of all the privacy right cases were correct but the reasoning of creating a new constitutional right was fatally flawed. Roe (and the other privacy cases) should not have created a right that has no constitutional foundation but rather should have been decided under the first amendment (and the 14th, which applies the 1st to the States) as laws that make pre-viability abortion illegal, which is purely a religious/spiritual view, establish a religious views of a minority as law and that is unconstitutional. For further context to my comment, I believe that life begins at conception but I am 100% pro-choice.