Excellent response wasted upon the closed minds of people who use logic to make up arguments about why souls don't exist. Logic connects provable facts. It can't be used to explain or displain (I made that word up just now) that which will never be proven, like Clem tried to do with an article claiming that science proves that souls don't exist. His post and my comments therein and the obnoxious responses I received back led to this post of mine: https://medium.com/illumination-curated/lets-talk-about-knowing-versus-believing-21175cf0caee
Here's an essay I wrote that reflects much of what you wrote in your comment: https://medium.com/@marcus17043/menage-a-trois-between-science-spirituality-and-philosophy-a634f5446364 subtitled "They should have a permanent and mutually satisfying interdependent polyamorous relationship." Here's one paragraph:
"Science and spirituality can get married and have a healthy interdependent relationship when we recognize each as a valid direction that may lead to the same destination — the truth. Moreover, in order for the marriage to work, they each need to accept that they may never be able to know everything and thus each might always be a little right and mostly wrong. I hope some version of the most famous Socrates quote just popped into my readers’ minds."