Fair question. To make a long story short, on March 19th, 2020, upon my discovery of my 36 yr old lover's tragic and wholly unexpected death, I had an instantaneous spiritual awakening. https://medium.com/mystic-minds/spiritual-awakening-followed-by-integration-and-alignment-9d4595be7dc6 I had previously believed in souls and in 2012 I had spoken to the soul of my friend who suicided in 2006. This conversation was facilitated by Anne, a psychic medium that I knew and trusted (and still do). Shortly after Lindsey's death, I contacted Anne, and in addition to many conversations with Lindsey, I asked that we begin consulting my spirit guides. https://medium.com/illumination/i-speak-to-god-and-god-speaks-to-me-23bff8ec2274 They explained the cycles and birth, death and reincarnation to me. https://medium.com/illumination-curated/life-is-school-for-the-soul-9b081dbe8453 You seem like an open minded fellow. I do not share this all with you to influence you., and I respect whatever you believe or do not believe. You asked, so I answered. I will close by noting how I define spirituality: "Be the best person you can be, with progress, not perfection. This is why we are here, as spiritual beings (souls), seeking human experiences.
When I use the term spiritual, I use it in a manner that transcends the binary of theism versus atheism. One can act entirely spiritual with or without a belief in “god” however one understands that term. Spirituality only requires love, empathy, compassion, humility, honesty and courage.
As I define spirituality, there is a flip side to the coin and all those positive feelings— accountability, both personally and holding others accountable for their words and deeds." https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/spirituality-redefined-ff45cb53eaf2