First, I'm enjoying your article. I agree that Tolle is a fake. I also think Robbins is a fake. Shortly after my awakening a few years ago, I watched his self-produced documentary, I Am Not Your Guru, and it was obvious to me that he manipulates people and was daring his believers to see through his BS but knows that they have drunk too much kool-aid to do so. The smirk on his face at the end spoke volumes to me.
More to the subject matter of your excellent article, I found my way here from your comment in Graham's piece today. I left this comment in his: " A couple of days ago I was up in the attic for the purpose of pulling one book out of storage, Norman Doidge's work on neuroplasticity, The Brain the Changes Itself, and ended up grabbing a few, one of which is my Wilhelm and Bynes version of the I Ching. I purchased it a few years ago soon after my awakening. I read the forward at that time and have yet to consult the book as an oracle...synchronicity...🤷♂️"
Perhaps I shall soon.