First, thank you for this very meaningful engagement with my fictional tale, which in that regard and others is different than my poems to date. Your comment both complements and compliments. Thank you again.
Shaking my head, or is face-palming the right emoticon, for my reaction to your neighbor's thought that the victim might also be in hell for immorality and stupidity. As for hell being god's best creation, that sounds like it goes beyond a religious belief to a personal opinion as to the purpose that he sees in hell. What purpose does he see in eternal damnation? If it's supposed to be a deterrence, then that creation is a failure.
Here's a piece by W.A.Law that you could also tape to his door.
I'd love to hear the something that you couldn't help but to say.
PS: I know you budget and schedule your reading time but want to check to see if you received a mention notice of this short poem of mine that also features 18 stories from 14 writers (you for one) that I curated from the last nine months of ChannSpirations and Coincidences: