Found my way here from Francisco's feature.
I enjoyed the poem and many lines resonated with me, as from my highlights you can see.
The lines that I highlighted as the springboard to this comment, reminded me of a couple of recent poems of mine that you might enjoy. The first one I wrote a few days ago after observing storm clouds roll in and then give way to puffy white incubators for all sorts of shapes, especially dogs, and blue skies. I included pictures I snapped and a link to the whole series.
This next one includes the line:
"Birds of prey and butterflies
Currents provide lift to all"
This one, a terza rima sonnet I wrote over a year ago, connects with your theme of why I write and provides some corresponding answers, such as in this stanza:
"Write to express and temper my rages
Else my anger can turn to resentment
Progress not perfection comes in stages"