Found my way here via Francisco's feature.
Reminds me of this comment thread reply by Rebecca Romanelli in Priyanka Priyadarshini's piece about people watching at the airport ( ):
"Before one long flight even took off, I had to 'educate' a beyond rude twit around 6 years of age.
He kept purposefully kicking the back of my seat while glancing at his mother and hoping for attention.
She was glued to her phone and cared less.
This went on for half an hour while we were delayed in the bay.
I finally turned around and said "If you keep kicking my seat I'm going to call the flight attendant over and you and your mom may have to leave the plane. How would you like that Mom?" Addressed to both.
The Millenial across the aisle clapped and muttered 'little bastard'.
Mom resurrected and managed to join the living."