Good article. I am very pro-vaccination. I've had my two doses of the shingles vaccine, I often get a flu shot and I had two doses of the Phizer mRNA vax plus two boosters and then the covalent booster, even though I know that the studies themselves were deeply flawed. The math reported was impossible. I realized that even the placebo group was reportedly doing much better than the reported infection rate in the general population and then reading the studies I realized that they were only testing anyone who self-reported symptoms. "In the study, the placebo positivity rate is 0.7% — .0007 as a decimal number. How is it possible for the placebo group to have 95% fewer infections than the general population? Not testing and thereby missing asymptomatic infections, massively skews the efficacy results." I think the poor study design and thus false claims of efficacy contributed to vaccination hesitation even among people who are generally pro-vax. I wrote several stories on Medium about the study flaws when it first came out. Here is one that sums them all up if you are interested.