Great response all around. There are many reasons that the money could be important. I realized re reading my not paywalled post, that it's exactly the type of post I enjoy writing and I made the right decision for me. If they do start paying not zero again, I might as well start paywalling again, because why turn down free money, but it reminded me why I'm here, which is not for the money, even though it actually does make a difference to my finances these days. But chasing it, no, no interest. To a freelancer, anyone else may just be a hobbyist, but that's not it for me either. It's neither a job nor a hobby. It's something more intangibly priceless, to put my thoughts and feelings out there, and receive back a response that I provoked thought, or that what I wrote was exactly what someone needed to read that day, and similar. And then there are the friends I've made. Maybe I could replicate that on Substack, but for me, why try. I have it here. And I assume I'll still find plenty to read here if all the freelancers flee, I don't read that much from them anyway, and besides, nothing I read here is as enriching as a good book, and I've already started focusing on that lately.