Here you said much that I agree with. Here's a recent poem I wrote:
"Oh mon amours, why do you fall for it?
You self-important humans, after all
There’s a sucker born every minute
The apple from the tree does not far fall
Tolle and others sell you seats in their halls
Robbins laughs at you from edge of Hell’s pit
Selling you that which can never be bought
Oh mon amours, why do you fall for it?
Power of positive thought is bullshit
Sometimes surrender proves most powerful
Yet you think you think you can control all of it
You self-important humans, after all
But listen to your souls, half nature’s call
Not to power structures’ need to exist
Creating false Gods and morals for all
There’s a sucker born every minute
Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, all prophets
Achieved Nirvana, back to share Great All
Failed to teach us, why should we now trust Shift?
The apple from the tree does not far fall
Let our hearts and minds not be small
Access the Divine that is infinite
Collective power to overcome all
Change mindset, what’s the harm in thinking it
— Oh mon amours"
I am not your typical spiritualist. I believe in accountability and responsibility.