Hey Nicky,
Long time! Glad to see you're at least for now now longer lost in the metaverse. Earlier this month I followed up on my 12 step program critique work for the first time in over a year and was looking back at who had engaged in my earlier work and saw you and wondered how you were. It seemed you hadn't been active on Medium for a while so I decided not to reach out then. I only recently came back after about 8 months off with a few active weeks in the middle. The break, particularly the second half was not that healthy but upon my return my writing has grown and I'm in a much better place and i've encountered some great hearts and minds I had not met before.
I hope my highlighting shows I get you and this piece, which is great by the way. A prime example of a well told and engaging 16 minute story flying by. There's not much I could add to my highlights by commenting.
If you're interested in my latest pieces I referred to, here's the full version which focuses on the abstinence requirement and the culture of shame, https://medium.com/@marcus17043/efficacy-of-12-step-programs-for-addiction-treatment-c111fbffc10a , and here's the short dust jacket version that tries to draw people in with a cult comparison https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/let-us-love-you-until-you-can-love-yourself-16d000fbf23d