Hi. After I saw your recently published piece I decided to check your profile to see if you had published anything else, and here we are.
I am not qualified to speak much on this topic. I do understand where you are coming from--frustration is probably an understatement. Frankly, I have never read other articles by single moms about their struggles and walked away thinking they were glorifying single motherhood but I certainly walked away respecting them as I have always respected you. I'm going to send this to two of them that I can think of as they might want to engage.
As far as needing two parents, there might only be one thing that a single mother cannot do that a man can, and that's show a son by example how a woman should be treated and show a daughter by example how she should want to be treated and if the father doesn't set the right example, better off without him around. I picked up that from this piece by Jodie Helm. https://jodieshelm.medium.com/a-fathers-day-message-from-the-archangels-5db832dd8593