How about starting at the beginning? Graham Pemberton did an extensive analysis of the first three chapters of Genesis. You've seen me cite a few of his articles or you can check his profile, if you wish. Regardless, I have had the epiphany since soon after I spiritually awoke in 2020 that the the story of eating from the fruit from the tree of knowledge is actually about the cycles of reincarnation that every soul can choose to reincarnate or not and that the tree of life and/or Eden is actually the realms of "heaven" and that the banishment is actually what you and I would call "soul amnesia"--the loss of universal knowledge during each incarnation.
Now, as you saw me write recently, it's also likely that Genesis verses intentionally can stand for more than one aspect of spiritual knowledge. There is good authority discussed in Graham's articles that Adam and Eve are not man and woman but rather animal and soul, and I have extrapolated this to mean that the creation story simply tells the story of the unique symbiotic relationship between biological and soul evolution and the creation of the unique human species and its dual nature of animal and soul / divine masculine and divine feminine, which have little or nothing to do with the views of genders constructed by societies.
Further, Graham's articles discuss the serpent story. Without getting into detail, it ocurred to me that what the story describes is the hubris that the human inhabitants of Earth engaged in that led to the "Fall" from "5D to 3D"
Here is the summary article that Graham issued recently.