"How many billions of dollars did it take to build the Large Hadron Collider? Almost $5,000,000,000. It costs a billion a year to operate it. That puts the cost of “discovering” the Higgs Boson at over $13,000,000,000. Source. Why did we search for this particle? Because the math behind the Standard Model of Cosmology and Big Bang Theory predicted its existence and thus finding the particle would support the prevailing theory. However, scientists keep having to come up with fudge factors that they keep on having to further fudge to support this theory. Does anyone stop to think that perhaps gravity keeps falling short, at an accelerating velocity, of describing observations of the structure and age of the universe because something else runs the show? Some philosophers do..."
That's an excerpt from my essay, https://medium.com/p/a634f5446364 that proposes marriage between science, spirituality, and philosophy as interdependent partners in the search for knowledge/truth. My concluding section contained these thoughts:
"Envisioning a three-dimensional representation of the marriage between science, philosophy, and spirituality, first I saw an equilateral triangle. Then I wondered whether a golden ratio triangle exists, and it does — an isosceles triangle where the ratio of each side “a” to base “b” equals the golden ratio....I see the shorter base of the golden-ratio-isosceles-triangle representing science and the other two equal-length sides representing philosophy and spirituality, as I think that we need to allocate more force to philosophy and spirituality to counterbalance the favored discipline of science.
I have also thought about a pyramid constructed of four equilateral triangles and then the question becomes which discipline gets represented twice in the square interdependent foundation of that pyramid? I leave that decision up to each reader...."