I agree that metaphor can be found in the immaculate conception story but many people read the bible literally, especially in that regard, and as I believe all Christian church dogma does. So, I stand by my calling BS.
I think it's great that you can unify the metaphorical reading with theories of other religions and/or schools of thought.
Back to my statement, it is not a "new theory." It's basic discernment and common sense that does not require knowledge of other texts. Moreover, I have every right to present my "new theory" which again is just basic common sense because, as God, however one understands God, said to a channel named Neale Donald Walsch, "Religion cannot stand Spirituality. It cannot abide it. For Spirituality may bring you to a different conclusion than a particular religion — and this no known religion can tolerate. Religion encourages you to explore the thoughts of others and accept them as your own. Spirituality invites you to toss away the thoughts of others and come up with your own."
I used to say I am a syncretist. But I no longer say that as I do not take from various religions what resonates. I have my own views, and I'm sure I am not alone in my views, and when I see something in a religion that corresponds to my views, which are ever evolving and refining, I will see it but I am not building my beliefs from that pick and choose process. My beliefs all arise from my personal experiences and chanelled discussions with my spirit guides.