I agree with everything you said. Yet I feel it is not always so simple when one looks deeper at why souls incarnate. Your essay works 100% if happiness is the goal. That is always the human's goal but it is not always the soul's goal. https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/the-human-spirit-duality-e456c0729e99 In that piece I start out saying as I have many times, "There are human wants and soul wants. A life will be harmonious when those two are aligned. Life’s purpose is to learn and one aspect is learning how to satisfy the human wants while not offending the soul’s spirituality," but then I look deeper at the issue and I conclude "the goals of the human and the goals of the soul may be, from the human perspective, irreconcilable. Humans want nothing but happiness but perhaps the soul came here to experience the opposite so that it can learn to guide other humans when it is not incarnated and is assigned as a spirit guide or to some other work in heaven."
This piece by another writer has a valid perspective on why soul's incarnate as humans: https://medium.com/new-earth-consciousness/the-real-reason-we-incarnated-to-earth-c75ea795e20c