I also dislike ST, whether or not one takes it to the extreme of we are living in a computer game. Yet, I also realize that my view of reincarnation and timelines and alternate realities also lends some truth to the concept of simulation. I have written, "While probably accurate on a cosmic scale, I do not like to use the terms illusion, game, or worse yet, simulation as descriptions for life. I understand that for many people, those terms make their lives easier to cope with so those are the lenses through which they view life. However, using those terms is dismissive of people’s very real struggles, emotions, and feelings. As one wise reader and writer, John Ege, who does subscribe to these terms but nevertheless said to me:
'Did you ever play a video game, and get so mad you tossed the controller…
The video game is a simulation. Your reaction to the video is solid real! The emotions are real.'"