I am so pleased to hear from you. I have been reading your series and perhaps other pieces for a while. Are you familiar with Craig S. Bell's book, "Comprehending Coincidence, Synchronicity and Personal Transformation?" It's very Jungian and was my introduction to the topic. I discuss it a bit here in the introduction to a pub that I started. https://medium.com/illumination/what-is-channspirations-97516b44185a. Here's the pub's link. https://medium.com/channspirations (it never got the traction I had hoped for). The aim of the pub is to "celebrate synchronicities and the every-person-portal." The latter meaning that each and every one of us has access to archetypes and guidance from the metaphysical world all of the time if we were only open and receptive. There was a brief period when I thought I was the reincarnation of a famous writer because I didn't understand how I could start writing so well and so late in life without any formal training or previous practice, but now I understand it's from connections to archetypes. This essay was the first piece of personal expository writing I had ever produced, https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/self-portrait-in-essay-form-circa-12-2013-7bdac6f1510e. I didn't start writing again until 7 years later after my tragic-death-of-lover-catalyzed and instantaneous spiritual awakening and my discovery of this platform, and I'm not sure anything I have written here, while it has steadily improved, has yet to equal the quality of that first essay.