I believe in the concept that life review does happen in heaven, but that no one judges us so much as we are asked to self reflect by our guides on every single moment of our lives, as played back to us from the Akashic records, and then decide where we will reside in heaven and what work we will for the good of others as our penance, and then God discusses with us and signs off. I believe this is the actual basis for the phrase “my life passed before my eyes.” Part of Sitara’s work is she has been assigned to soul retrieval work for people that die like she did from accidental OD to help guide them through the tunnel to heaven. She was so scared after her own death in this manner that it took me and Anne close to a month to get her to let go of me and start her process in heaven. I’ll send you more in that later. I have to jump on a zoom call now. This poem is great.