I cannot stand ignorance. In May 2021 I responded to day 29 of Diana C's 30-in-30 days poetry prompts ( https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/30-day-poetry-challenge-74ea5622134c), to wit: "grounding desires in reality" with this contra reaction tanka titled "Pitiful Poor Ostrich People."
"Ostrich head in sand
Misshapen reality
Minds better in sky
Freedom from society
Breathe life from Tree of Knowledge"
For discussion of the thoughts behind it, readers can see https://medium.com/p/9672e4daa03c
Diana's day 30 prompt was "ignorance is not bliss" to which I responded with this "Tanka of Growth and Evolution:"
"Ignorance lacks care
Knowledge lends powerful share
Bliss can my ass kiss
Narcissus loved his image
Souls express expand learning"
Explanation is found here: https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/tanka-of-growth-and-evolution-36b08f1284e6