I completely agree with you on preemption and what you have previously called soft plagiarism. I have cited your article on it many times (https://medium.com/change-your-mind/the-unbearable-repetition-of-spiritual-writing-bbee67d53803 ) (including here https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/why-the-concept-of-reincarnation-can-matter-to-this-life-of-yours-d44bada6fc92) (and other work of yours, especially your work on uncertainty https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/embracing-uncertainty-267f3b2c309b and calling out terms to be removed from the spiritual lexicon https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/can-we-let-go-of-these-5-spiritual-words-in-2021-27b17f3f8d9c and https://medium.com/change-your-mind/can-we-let-go-of-these-3-spiritual-words-in-2022-16708e2d186c ).
[note to any readers — the rest of this comment was written in response to an earlier version of PPG’s story, which after back and forth between us, he edited and I am grateful]
I am also shocked, dismayed and practically disgusted, no that's too strong, very disappointed that you have breathed new life into Jonathan Greene's libelous pyramid scheme articles, which I convincingly destroyed in my homage to Emile Zola, https://medium.com/loud-updates/jaccuse-453866221e2c and took JG to task for his scapegoating smear campaign but perhaps by you doing so you may have extended the statute of limitations clock and perhaps you have reignited my passion to hold him accountable https://medium.com/grab-a-slice/accountability-64965aed0016 and I shall renew my demand for damages https://byrslf.co/mediums-liability-for-defamation-may-exceed-7-000-000-c1bf9fdc641c