I decided a couple of years ago that I am a syncretist and that no religion is entirely right or entirely wrong. In my short piece ( https://medium.com/p/39268e70d0b8 ) titled "Syncretism,
Buffet style religious and spiritual nourishment" I quote and link another writer who said "I can’t wrap myself in any one 'title' because I have had too many personal experiences. I am not saying that all 'religions' are valid. I am saying no 'religion' is valid. Many 'religions' contain kernels of truth; aspects of God. Many 'religions' lay claim to certain mystics who were undoubtedly Divinely inspired and knew God. But no 'religion' has a monopoly on God precisely because once something becomes 'religion' man has added earthly things to it. Earth is not Heaven. As we said when we started this chat, there is no religion in Heaven."