I don't spend any time meditating, at least not in the way it's traditionally practiced. After my spiritual awakening, I assumed I would start meditating. I tried. I couldn't. I feared I would not achieve a connection to my soul and my god, and a stronger connection to Sitara, without stillness. I lamented to my guides through Anne, asked for guidance, and they advised that with my INTP mind of split screens humming constantly, "meditation" does not suit me. What does is taking walks and more often than not I find that the output is as described by proponents of stillness--what works for me is getting into the flow of my streams of subconsciousness without trying to still my mind nor body. Recently I have also enjoyed staying in bed and going in and out of hypnagogia. I definitely feel connections to soul and cosmic muses there.
As for spiritual or material beings, yes, we are inseparably both. I don't think you've read this older piece of mine: https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/the-human-spirit-duality-e456c0729e99. You will recognize some of it from other essays but I think there are kernels you haven't seen that you might enjoy, including my links to and quotes from Laxaa, Joseph Lieungh, Keri Mangis and Esther George.