I enjoyed this clever way of introducing people to writers.
As for the the land as a bathroom, I live on a one acre plot carved out from a farm and I wrote a couple of poems and notes about the freedom of relieving onself in this manner. https://marcus17043.medium.com/full-moon-tanka-haibun-a983892dcad8, is a tanka and prose poem--a couple of lines: "Walked outside to relieve myself. Feels like freedom. No one around to judge. Just me and nature. ... Freedom. What is freedom? Freedom to pee against the breeze but not freedom to pee on someone else’s freedom."
https://medium.com/@marcus17043/of-connection-to-nature-cd5f0907b32a, a five tanka stanza poem, contains these:
"As Adam stood I
And as innocent Eve too
Gloriously bare
Not even our loins deer clothed
Enjoying Eden’s garden
In that moment felt
Both freedom and connection
Life’s paradoxes
Of all the Philosophers
Rousseau the most enlightened?"