I feel lots of double entendre here. "Life's sensuousness intoxicate us in every lifetime" speaks of the the themes in this poem of mine, https://medium.com/living-out-loud/why-should-i-come-back-625b199f083c, which includes this stanza:
Cannot smell aroma of your perfume
Or see eyes shine upon love at first sight
Or taste pleasure in all that we consume
Or feel skins’ heat of orgasmic delight
Your poem also speaks to love between "God" and human. I recently wrote a magnum opus (Frank Ontario's comment) poem/prose https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/what-is-love-553648694528 responding to a challenge by Tree Langdon in Write Under the Moon to define love, which among its about 9 minutes (the 11 minutes includes 15 footnotes) includes this:
So not so spiritual, this love we hoist upon a pedestal
But one love is
Pure love
Unadulterated by human thoughts
Without emotion
True unconditional love
Acceptance without motive
Survives detachment
Without judgment
Heart energized and centered
Excuse me, while I kiss the sky
I placed God in quotation marks to distinguish God of my understanding from the Abrahamic conception of God: https://medium.com/illumination-curated/lets-talk-about-atheists-and-bible-beating-believers-in-the-god-of-abraham-fe139f4833f3