I found my way here because you dropped the link in your comment to Robert's piece today. You can see I highlighted much of your essay. I could have highlighted more. You might enjoy this essay of mine: https://marcus17043.medium.com/why-do-good-people-fear-their-own-shadow-8e5a921ac775
You might also enjoy reading in Anthi Psomiadou's, Claire Kelly's, and my pub, ChannSpirations and Coincidences, https://medium.com/channspirations where we celebrate synchronicity and the every-person-portal. Perhaps you would like to write with us? We recently added Dreams as a banner category. Here is our recently updated guidelines as we've been making a push to reinvigorate the pub. https://medium.com/channspirations/submission-guidelines-listicle-ecdec63baba6 subtitled A sanctuary for synchronicity where stories can live, breathe, and spark meaningful connections between us, our readers, and the universe
Regarding intuition and connecting to the collective unconscious, I recently participated here on Medium in a divination experiment. The results were magical. https://medium.com/queen-s-children/answers-you-seek-often-found-both-within-and-without-you-and-with-a-little-help-from-your-friends-70c669fdda37