I get both sides on the Minhaj issue. I completely agree with you about story telling and I agree with him that it's the emotions that are of the utmost importance. One of the lessons that stuck from my few treks through the rooms of AA is when listening to a share, don't sit there looking to distinguish my facts--even when the facts of our lives are different we can still get a lot out of identifying with the emotions. I can liken what he does to a movie that is "based on" a true story. The difference is the movie isn't claiming to be true and the viewer goes in knowing that much license with the truth has probably been taken. If Minhaj led his audiences to believe he was telling true stories, I can understand the backlash.
While I have you, I noticed you haven't been reading my work. I figured subscriber notices were glitching or you're just busy but I just checked and I see you are no longer a subscriber. Curious if that's a glitch or if you intentionally unsubscribed. No worries if you did.