I guess this is where my embrace of duality conflicts with those that seek to attain nonduality. I was reading a fine piece by a writer Ari Love. https://medium.com/new-earth-consciousness/the-real-reason-we-incarnated-to-earth-c75ea795e20c I took exception to her calling life a simulation, saying, "I don't like calling any of this a simulation because it's very real while we are here and to me it minimizes or is almost dismissive to call it a simulation." Blain Colemen chimed in with "I prefer to use the more accurate word for those of us living on this plane of existence: illusion. Yes, while living the illusion of being a person in this life does make this illusion important because of the emotions we experience- those are also illusions but still very real to us while we are here. Not so important to our true selves, though."
I replied to Blaine (one of the better writers and best thinkers on Medium), "Yes, which is why I choose to call it life."