I had a bit too much wine in me and thus used language she did not appreciate when I left this comment to Jodie Helm, https://marcus17043.medium.com/jodie-i-could-have-highlighted-almost-every-word-of-the-aas-message-a496acb67ede, which said in part "I think the [archangels] would be better off finally telling all of your readers that things will get much worse before they get better. That all of humanity is entering a dark night of the soul. And the only way to let light in is to face it." Thankfully, along with a minor scolding about my tone, Jodie understood my concerns and it led to this follow-up piece by her: https://jodieshelm.medium.com/hard-times-are-coming-d66fc9a28f7 subtitled "The archangels say we will prevail"