I identify strongly with the feelings you convey in your sonnet. These lines,
We do not look at the eternal glow
Under the burden of the road, too long, remind me of these lines from this poem, https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/manifesto-1a8e00acb5a4, I wrote back in March:
Glowing from the void
Universal knowledge enlightens
Ah if it were only so easy
Retreat is not surrender
Defeating fear
Is victory even if it ends in
Nous will return
The subtitle of that poem is "An acrostic and otherwise formless downloaded poem." I chose the acrostic, Guardian Angels Only Protect Convergence Of Free Will and Death, and then simply let the poem flow. A bottle of wine helped connect me to my not-incarnated muses.
I like writing sonnets. When I learned the form back in the winter 21/22, I went on a Shakespearean sonnet spree. Then I tried other forms of sonnets. For this poem about battling my demons, https://medium.com/write-under-the-moon/why-do-i-write-544e6f1a32a3, I chose the terza rima form. The rhyme scheme of the terza rima sonnet is aba bcb cdc ded followed by a rhyming couplet of either ee or aa.
I've seen you like haiku. Have you ever tried a haiku sonnet? If you google it, it's just four haiku stanzas followed by a couplet. To me, a poem of 14 lines with no rhyme scheme doesn't deserve the sonnet moniker. So I use the terza rima rhyme scheme when I write haiku sonnets. As Lindsey would have had her 40th birthday the day after tomorrow, I'll share this example with you. https://marcus17043.medium.com/my-eternal-flame-279e2dd4baf3