I just remembered I had wanted to respond to this part, in agreement. It reminds me of something I tweeted years ago and later expanded upon shortly after starting on Medium in the fall of 2020 regarding Elon Schmuck's statement that his neuralink would one day make language and speaking and learning obsolete.
"One should always ask what purpose a technology serves. Using this tech to treat brain injuries and disorders serves a tremendous purpose and Musk should be lauded — as we get more and more technologically advanced, I hope inventors prove how smart one is as much by what one does not design — design for the betterment of humanity — not to make us less human.
With respect to Musks comments on the Matrix, I say no fucking way! Besides exposing one’s mind, or many minds, or an entire population to hacking and outside control (see Doctor Who episode entitled “The Bells of St. John), downloading an ability is not learning. We Humans love to learn. That use would be dehumanizing."