I like Brooks so went and found the column (why don't writers provide links--if I am not passed my monthy alotment of 10, I provide the Mediumverse with gift links to interesting NYT pieces). Anyway, having read it, it's more complicated than unrealistic standards.
Anyway, I am disheartened that I appear to be the only person who has read your piece, which corresponds to your Mothers Day comparison comment. I would have read it sooner but I was off to and then in NYC for Father's Day with my kids (Mets game yay though they lost, which is too much the theme this year and then dinner with my parents, which is a step for me as a few years ago I cut him off entirely) and then spent a few more days with mine on the couch in the former marital home and just returned home last night.
Here's a Father's Day piece I highly recommend, which also did not receive the number of reads this writer usually gets. https://jodieshelm.medium.com/a-fathers-day-message-from-the-archangels-5db832dd8593