I like that answer (never heard of Ramtha or the other one). I like the answer because it sounds like something I might hear from the captain of my guide team, Rama, like years ago when I asked about twin flames and Rama laughed, said no soul had ever been split in two, and that the TF concept is a human invention like the Harlequin romance novels.
The whole 5D "shift" or as you used here, "ascension." I feel that like the TF, there's a lot of human ingenuity at play here, especially for profit. I'd like to believe there's some truth to the shift version, but, IDK, and I'm also often at a place of IDC, and as I think about it now, I may not give a fuck, two shits, or three rats asses. It all distracts from the inner work, and that right there makes me lean back to even the shift version is a bunch of mularky that another cottage industry of spiritual commercialization and materialism had developed around to sell something or many things.
5D Ascension is the term I heard bandied about when I first got to Medium. I remember Patrick Paul Garlinger writing that Ascension is a term he wish would be retired from spiritual lexicon. Patrick wrote
"The truth is that none of us knows what an enlightened world looks like because we are still carrying with us concepts, constructs, and beliefs that are part of our current mass consciousness,"
to which I responded:
"Nor is it ever going to happen — the entire planet enlightened — it’s ridiculous — if it happened there would be no more reason for Earth to exist — we would stop reincarnating"
I talked about all that and linked to Patrick's almost 4 years ago in my "5D Ascension = Extinction,
Species-wide enlightenment would be the end of days" https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/5d-ascension-extinction-b408453494ee
Patrick's "Can We Let Go of These 5 Spiritual Words in 2021?" is a great read, as is the 2022 edition.