I often say Fate (soul contract/lesson plan/incarnation itinerary) + Free Will = Destiny. Sometimes I use the phrase improv script instead of soul contract etc. to account for free will. https://marcus17043.medium.com/are-we-puppets-bc4baa1bfd09 subtitled "A discussion between fate, destiny, and free will in a bar." (Jodie, you've read that one. Here's one you didn't read which includes citations to the work of others (Michael Rhodes and you) https://marcus17043.medium.com/of-destiny-and-fate-9537cb2fa5a5).
Yesterday while reading Richard Bach's One, which is a very fun and enjoyable spiritual/metaphysical fiction about the choices we make and infinite parallel lives, I circled this:
"'Of course there's destiny,' said Pye, 'but destiny doesn't push you where you don't want to go. You're the ones that choose. Destiny's up to you.'"