I read because I did receive the subscription email and then because you asked i checked my feed. It's 33rd from the top in my "following" tab. I almost never look at this tab. I tend to stay on the "for you" tab but mostly I read from my subscription notices.
I only follow about 200 writers. It's only that high since they started rewarding for new follows. For people that follow many many more, how can the feeds ever be useful? I know the algo is more complicated than that.
I recently read a relevant comment in another story discussing their experiences and asking what others are seeing to which I responded at length, and my response is thus also relevant here. Here's the comment left by the great writers Pernoste & Dahl (a husband and wife team): https://medium.com/@pernoste/we-havent-been-on-here-long-but-we-have-been-blessed-with-a-number-of-boosts-e85b4b34ddaf
Here's my reply: https://marcus17043.medium.com/sigh-i-share-your-beliefs-that-something-goes-on-behind-the-scenes-to-occasionally-suppress-3463e30eda6a