I realize you are pretty much and maybe exclusively a self publisher but I just took the liberty of adding you as a writer to my pub, ChannSpirations and Coincidences. A few months ago I specifically added messages from dreams as a subtopic of synchronicity, which is what the pub exists to celebrate. https://medium.com/channspirations/submission-guidelines-listicle-ecdec63baba6 Unless I'm traveling, submissions are usually processed within a few hours.
Regarding what you have written here and very much agree with, I often say that fate + free will = destiny. Another way of stating that is that fate presents us choices and the choices we make shape our destiny. One guru devouring reader recently commented "Robert Ohotto teaches somewhat the same. That making enlightened decisions = destiny; fate is what happens otherwise."
I replied: "That strikes me as a bit judgmental and not surprising coming from a participant in the enlightenment seeking self help cottage industry complex. The way I see it, our soul contracts/karma pull us toward certain experiences. Those and synchronicity are fate. Our free will shapes our destiny regardless of the soundness of the decision."