I really enjoyed your story. I was drawn to read your piece from the title and then I started reading and the first two paragraphs pulled me in. Suicide and suicide prevention is a topic I have written about (At first I thought your piece was nonfiction--then I checked the reader interest tags, which as an editor I can see.) Your second paragraph reminded me of a poem I wrote:
"We Are Only As Sick As Our Secrets
Suicide provides no relief at all
On ledge imagining end to my pain
Pavement streaming toward me will not end fall
Just before break solution becomes plain
My penance to help others to refrain
Thought my loved ones better off without me
Truth’s too likely they’ll header into sea
Had I known that death cannot be cheated
Baring deep secrets would cure malady
Death would not have left loved ones defeated"
If you want to read the 17 minute companion essay to the poem, here's the link: https://medium.com/the-pom/dizain-of-suicide-72bcde4dc8d8