I related very much to this very well written piece (all of your pieces are well written). I particularly identify with Kali. I have written in this publication about my transformation from someone who let strong willed people walk all over me to a Jedi as what drives me from my core is the karmic intention to demand accountability from those who inflict pain and justice for those who suffer it. https://medium.com/queen-s-children/thank-you-for-sharing-this-piece-4f8721dac616, which piece contains these links regarding my David vs. Goliath quest regarding the bully Jonathan Greene
I recently followed up that piece with this piece in KTHT, https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/i-am-a-jedi-58521a4b55db, with which you, Katrina, engaged with meaningfully and with wisdom, being the only person to highlight "the title [The Return of the Jedi] evokes Anakin's return from Darkness."
As you and I discussed in Twitter, you connected with my interpretation of the relationship between the Empire / Darth Vader and the Jedi:
"By cladding the stormtroopers in white, George Lucas gave us a hint that the story involved much deeper concepts than the human-constructed binaries of good and evil. Darth Vader, the former Jedi Anakin Skywalker, did not become evil — rather his ego became so dependent on the trappings of attachment that his soul became imprisoned by the darkness that enveloped his ego. Logic devoid of emotion. Pure animus. Divine masculine unchecked by the divine feminine."
That thought of mine evokes one of the very first essays I wrote on Medium, https://medium.com/new-earth-consciousness/my-reaction-to-two-recent-pieces-on-the-concepts-of-divine-feminine-and-divine-masculine-1f9b899faa17, and which I sent to Jean as my application to write for QC:
"divine feminine somehow became the term for soul while divine masculine became the term for human; and the not so nice story is that for millenia souls have been losing the battle, which doesn’t surprise me as most would find life in Heaven boring, and that may be why so many souls agree to endure ever more pain life cycle after life cycle."
I wrote in my KTHT piece that the Jedi "represent the harmonious balance between the two poles of divinity and they exist to maintain order in the 3D reality and balance in the two sides of the Force.... [Like Kali], they do not turn the other cheek in the face of oppression — they stand and fight for those who choose not to defend themselves. Those that have the courage to speak nothing but truth despite the opinions of society, cannot be turned to the Darkside no matter what travails life has tested them with and no matter how much darkness has touched their lives."
ok, now I'm going to pretty this up as a titled and imaged story--thanks for inspiring me Katrina