I share the sentiments you expressed. As for getting why there is such darkness in the world, I have my own takes on it. One is there cannot be light witout darkness. Here are a few lines from my poem https://medium.com/channspirations/lifes-contradictions-and-paradoxes-8c99c537a3c0
Try viewing life as an amusement park
Rides for both thrill seekers and faint-of-heart
Do you see light or only dark
or realize that one cannot exist without another
Another take is reflected in the tanka that I wrote as a comment to a story by Diana C eight months ago:
villains and victims
roles we play on stage called life
yet do not dismiss
very real we all witness
screw those insist otherwise
I wrote an essay describing the thoughts behind my tanka, https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/lets-talk-about-villains-and-victims-c7795f2fa91e, which included this:
"many soul contracts/lesson plans, or improv scripts, which term I prefer because that encompasses the reality of free will, require villains and someone has to agree to play those parts — they could do so just for the experience of what it feels to perpetrate evil, they could do it just because someone has to for all this to work"