I speak here as a writer and a person, not as the IIP editor who hit the publish button on your story. I find your story somewhere between ironic and hypocritical, and I may very well be wrong, but we are all entitled to our reasonably based opinions. I have given you a shout out in several stories of mine, lauding your work, yet you have never engaged back. Here is one. https://medium.com/know-thyself-heal-thyself/spirituality-redefined-ff45cb53eaf2
Then there is the matter of fawning over Coffee Times as being so magnanimous for creating a home for all of us KTHT folk, when in fact Diana recommended not only CT, but Illumination and another favorite of mine, Queen's Children, and my dear friends' Cammie and Bingz Gentleness Ambassadors, each of which I praised in my post about Diana's hiatus, https://medium.com/illumination-curated/did-you-know-that-illumination-is-a-very-spiritual-publication-602505730cbb
but Yana chose to make something unintended by Diana out of the fact tha she happened to mention CT first in her story.
I am all for all of our pubs cross pollinating our spiritual writings, as evidenced by my story. I just demand accountability and honesty.