I think it's important to stress that you are talking about chronic procrastination. Not all procrastinations are a problem.
I can look back at my work life and see a terribly messy desk. That was a minor problem, especially for the appearance. Small tasks would pile up. Eventually, I would spend a few hours and clean the desk, addressing the unaddressed but interestingly, most of what had piled up only needed to be thrown away. So partially procrastination in that small tasks bored me and partially poor organizational skills I guess, which makes only partial sense because my work product itself was highly organized, as you can probably glean from my essays.
Some would look at my present life and say it's one big procrastination as I have ideas about what I want to do in my next chapter of life but other than writing on Medium, I've taken no concrete steps towards realization. Some would say fear of failure as that is a knee jerk diagnosis. Some would say I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity but I know that nothing is perfect. I just figure it's a longer path than others would like and I have my eyes open for the breadcrumbs the universe sends me and I'll spot enough of them and eventually figure it out.